Letter From Commentator

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

 I have been doing voluntary ministry in the Church of Christ for the past 30 years. With my experience in preaching, teaching, and translating, I began writing my own commentaries on the books of Scripture. It is in a simple question-and-answer format. It is written in a way that is easy for anyone to read and learn. I have this commitment to God in my daily life: my first duty every day is to write a commentary on a few verses of Scripture. Thus, before I end my life journey on this earth, I would like to finish writing the commentary for all the books of the Bible.

These commentaries have twofold purposes as follows:

 (1) An explanation should be written in such question and answer form for each verse of the Bible (O.T. 23,145 + N.T. 7,957 = 31,102 total number of verses).

 (2) All these commentaries should be translated into all possible languages of the world and neatly uploaded on this website, so that all the people of this world can read it and get better knowledge about the scriptures.

With the will of God, I intend to publish these commentaries in all the languages of the world through this website. Through this, every people in the world can know better about the Bible and its real author, the God. I believe this brings them all into first century Christianity.

 I devote most of my time in the rest of my life to this service of God. I kindly request you to pray for this noble work that our God will create generous donors and volunteers to spread this work all over the world. Please support this noble and honorable work with your generous funds.

 May God bless us! Amen!!


In Christian love

Dr.R.C.Joseph Sahayaraj Ph.D.

Pastor-Teacher – Translator – Expositor

Church of Christ

Dindigul and all over the world

 A photo taken with my guide and  counselor in the knowledge and wisdom of the True Church and her Teaching:


I first met Brother Jim E. Waldron in April 1991. I was a new Christian at that time and this brother encouraged me in every way as a simple and wise Christian Preacher. My heartfelt thanks for all the training he gave to me in preaching, teaching, translating (in writing and preaching) and all the other training he gave me.
